Isotope dependence of the type I ELMy H-mode pedestal in JET-ILW hydrogen and deuterium plasmas

Kieran Gibson, Laszlo Horvath, C. F. Maggi, A Chankin, S. Saarelma, A.R. Field, E. Belonohy, A. Boboc, G. Corrigan, E. Delabie, J. Flanagan, L Frassinetti, C Giroud, D. Harting, D. Keeling, G.F. Matthews, S. Menmuir, S. A. Silburn, A. C. C. Sips, H WeisenS Aleiferis, D King, M Maslov, J Simpson

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The pedestal structure, edge transport and linear MHD stability have been analyzed in a series of JET with the ITER-like wall hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D) type I ELMy H-mode plasmas. The pedestal pressure is typically higher in D than in H at the same input power and gas rate, with the difference mainly due to lower density in H than in D (Maggi et al (JET Contributors) 2018 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 014045). A power balance analysis of the pedestal has shown that higher inter-ELM separatrix loss power is required in H than in D to maintain a similar pedestal top pressure. This is qualitatively consistent with a set of interpretative EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations for H and D plasmas, showing that higher edge particle and heat transport coefficients are needed in H than in D to match the experimental profiles. It has also been concluded that the difference in neutral penetration between H and D leads only to minor changes in the upstream density profiles and with trends opposite to experimental observations. This implies that neutral penetration has a minor role in setting the difference between H and D pedestals, but higher ELM and/or inter-ELM transport are likely to be the main players. The interpretative EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations, with simultaneous upstream and outer divertor target profile constraints, have indicated higher separatrix electron temperature in H than in D for a pair of discharges at low fueling gas rate and similar stored energy (which required higher input power in H than in D at the same gas rate). The isotope dependence of linear MHD pedestal stability has been found to be small, but if a higher separatrix temperature is considered in H than in D, this could lead to destabilization of peeling-ballooning modes and shrinking of the stability boundary, qualitatively consistent with the reduced pedestal confinement in H.
Original languageEnglish
Article number046015
Number of pages17
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 9 Mar 2021

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