Keep it Simple? Predicting Primary Health Care Costs with Measures of Morbidity and Multimorbidity

S. L. Brilleman, Hugh Stanley Emrys Gravelle, S. Hollinghurst, Sarah Purdy, Chris Salisbury, Frank Windmeijer

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paper


In this paper we investigate the relationship between patients’ primary care costs (consultations, tests, drugs) and their age, gender, deprivation and alternative measures of their morbidity and multimorbidity. Such information is required in order to set capitation fees or budgets for general practices to cover their expenditure on providing primary care services. It is also useful to examine
whether practices’ expenditure decisions vary equitably with patient characteristics.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationYork, UK
PublisherCentre for Health Economics, University of York
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2011

Publication series

NameCHE Research Paper
PublisherCentre for Health Economics, University of York


  • multimorbidity
  • primary care
  • utilisation
  • costs
  • deprivation
  • budgets

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