Leeds Meets Shakespeare Making a Start

Research output: Other contribution


In lieu of an abstract, here is the blog post's first paragraph:

On 24 November 2017, a group of teachers, academics, council employees, theatre and arts practitioners from Leeds, York and London gathered at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. They proceeded to strut, charge and spin their way around the room, playing out archetypes from Shakespeare and characters from The Tempest. Along the way, they became acquainted with Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud (the Moroccan Ambassador to Elizabeth I), considered other intersections between Shakespeare and South Asian cultures, discovered resources for teaching Shakespeare, and arranged visits to each others’ schools. What was the impetus for this energetic and varied activity, which borrowed from everyday work but offered an unusual amalgam?
Original languageEnglish
TypeBlog post
Media of outputShakespeare in Education – British Shakespeare Association Blog
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


  • Shakespeare
  • Primary Education
  • English as Additional Language
  • multicultural education
  • Drama

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