Longer term support for adults diagnosed with autism (without learning disability): An evaluation of multi-disciplinary teams in England.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


INTRODUCTION: Long held concerns about the mental and physical health, social and economic outcomes of adults with autism have led to calls for improvements in services and support. The need for a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to meeting the needs of this group has been emphasised. However, the development of such services has had to take place in the absence of existing evidence relevant to the way these services are designed and delivered. Evaluations of examplars of such provision are therefore very important. This paper will report findings from such a study.
METHODS:Observational study of a cohort of over 250 adults using one of nine specialist multi-disciplinary autism teams which tracked health, social and quality of life outcomes (e.g. WHO-QoL BREF, GHQ-12, EQ-5D) from entry into the service through to 2 years follow-up. The teams varied in terms of the way they organised and delivered support and interventions. Retention to the study was over 85%.
RESULTS:Descriptive analyses are used to describe outcomes at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after entry into the service. Regression analyses are used to explore the impact of individual and service characteristics on outcomes.
DISCUSSION:Findings can be used to inform the way longer-term support of adults diagnosed with autism, and provide evidence on individual characteristics which may predict the need, and intensity of, support.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2019
EventXII Autism-Europe International Congress - Congress Center Nice Acropolis, Nice, France
Duration: 13 Sept 201915 Sept 2019
Conference number: XII


ConferenceXII Autism-Europe International Congress
Internet address

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