Low perturbation antenna impedance measurement techniques

J Jekkonen, Ian David Flintoft, M Capstick, A Marvin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


The indirect two-port reflection method for measuring antenna impedances is reviewed using scattering parameter techniques and developed into a more accurate low perturbation optically coupled transmission measurement. This transmission measurement infers the antenna impedance by measuring the voltage induced in a number of loads connected to the antenna port with reference to the antenna used for illumination. Both these techniques have proved to be very versatile: applications to a typically electromagnetic compatibility problem, consisting of a box and wire above a ground plane, and
to the design of a challenging multi-band Digital Audio Broadcast antenna are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationURSI2005, The XXVIIIth Triennial General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science
Subtitle of host publication23-29 October 2005
Place of PublicationNew Delhi
PublisherInternational Union of Radio Science
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2005

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