Make - underpinning concepts of the synthesis of systems where non-covalent interactions are important: general discussion

Torsten Beweries, Michael R Buchmeiser, Frances E Bugden, Neil R Champness, Basheer Chanbasha, Miquel Costas, Jorge Echeverria, Odile Eisenstein, Calum Ferguson, Joe C Goodall, Rafael Gramage-Doria, Mark Greenhalgh, Matthew Gyton, Rens Ham, Pierre Kennepohl, Bartosz Lewandowski, Wei-Chun Liu, Stuart A Macgregor, Kamran T Mahmudov, Eva MeeusJosh Morris, Pinkie Ntola, Tatjana N Parac-Vogt, Robin N Perutz, Albert Poater, David Powers, Paul R Raithby, Joost N H Reek, Imogen Riddell, Thomas R Ward, Andrew S Weller, Helma Wennemers

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Jul 2023

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