Measurement of the pn → ppπ0π- Reaction in Search of the ABC Resonance

T. Skorodko, M. Bashkanov, H. Clement, E. Doroshkevich, E. Perez Del Rio, A. Pricking, G. J. Wagner

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With pd collisions at Tp = 1.2 GeV exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pn → ppπ0π- reaction have been carried out. Using the WASA detector setup at COSY total and differential cross sections have been obtained for the energy region √s = 2.35-2.48 GeV. Though this includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure, no low-mass enhancement (ABC effect) is found in the π0π--invariant mass spectrum - in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics demanding the isovector pion pair to be in relative p-wave. Conventional calculations including t-channel processes for Roper, δ(1600) and δδ excitations and their decays, which are well-known from the study of the two-pion production in pp collisions, provide a reasonable description of the data at high energies, but fall low at low energies. From this we conclude that a large contribution from a so far unknown isoscalar low-energy process is missed in the calculations. Inclusion of the ABC resonance at m = 2.37 GeV with γ = 70 MeV and I(JP) = 0(3 +), which was recently observed in the pn → dπ 0π0 reaction, leads to a much improved description of the data at low energies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number09033
JournalEPJ Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2012

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