Measurements of O-3, NO2 and temperature during the 2004 Canadian Arctic ACE Validation Campaign

T E Kerzenmacher, K A Walker, K Strong, R Berman, P F Bernath, C D Boone, J R Drummond, H Fast, A Fraser, K MacQuarrie, C Midwinter, K Sung, C T McElroy, R L Mittermeier, J Walker, H J Wu

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The 2004 Canadian Arctic ACE Validation Campaign was conducted to provide correlative data for validating measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ( ACE) satellite mission. These measurements were made at Eureka, Nunavut during polar springtime 2004. Six groundbased instruments were operated during the intensive phase of the campaign and ozonesondes and radiosondes were flown. During this time, ACE-FTS and ACE-MAESTRO were performing solar-occultation measurements over the Canadian Arctic. We report the first comparisons between campaign measurements and those from ACE, focusing on O-3, NO2 and temperature. Initial mean O-3 profiles from ACE-FTS and ACE-MAESTRO agree to within 20% between 10 and 30 km, and the NO2 profiles agree to within 40% between 17 and 40 km, which is within the standard deviations. The ACE-FTS temperature profiles agree to better than 2.5 K with the radiosonde temperatures from 10 to 32 km and with the lidar temperatures from 17 to 45 km.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages5
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2005



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