More about the stringy limit of black hole equilibria

Research output: Working paperPreprint


We discuss further our proposed modification of the Susskind-Horowitz-Polchinski scenario in which black hole entropy goes over to string entropy as one scales the string length scale up and the string coupling constant down, keeping Newton's constant unchanged. In our approach, based on our 'matter-gravity entanglement hypothesis', 'string entropy' here should be interpreted as the likely entanglement entropy between (approximately) the single long string and the stringy atmosphere which, as we argue, arise in a pure multistring state of given energy in a (rescaled) box. In a previous simple analysis, we computed this entropy (with promising results) by assuming simple exponentially increasing densities of states for both long string and stringy atmosphere. Here, our starting point is a (more correct) density of states for each single string with the appropriate inverse-power prefactor and a low-energy cutoff. We outline how the relevant entanglement entropy should be calculated for this system and propose a plausible model, which draws on the work of Mitchell and Turok on the multi-string microcanonical ensemble, in which we adopt a similar density of states for long string and stringy atmosphere but now with cutoffs which scale with the total energy, E. With this scaling, we still find our entanglement entropy grows, in leading order, linearly with E and this translates to a black-hole entropy which goes as the square of the black-hole mass, thus retaining most of the promising features of our previous exponential-density-of-states model and providing further evidence for our matter-gravity entanglement hypothesis.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2012

Bibliographical note

6 pages

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