On a problem in simultaneous Diophantine approximation: Littlewood's conjecture

Andrew Pollington, Sanju Velani

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A well known conjecture of Littlewood in number theory states that $ q to infty q ||q| ||q| = 0 $ for any pair of real numbers $( $. It is easily seen, via the theory of continued fractions that the conjecture is true if either $ or $ are not in $ -- the set of badly approximable numbers. In view of this, the following natural question arises. Given $a in , are there any independent $b in for which the conjecture is true ? In attempting to answer this question we prove the following positive result. Given $a in , there exists a subset $ of $ with $dim G = 1$ such that for any $b in the inequality $ q ||q| ||q| leq 1 / log q $ is satisfied for infinitely many $q in . For such pairs $( in Bad $, this obviously implies the conjecture.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)287-306
Number of pages20
JournalActa Mathematica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2001

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