On the differential diagnosis of arthropathy in bovids

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The paper reviews the aetiology and diagnosis of joint pathologies in cattle and caprines. Key papers in the animal palaeopathology literature are briefl y reviewed, and the potential and limitations of the veterinary literature are
discussed. The aetiology and pathognomic clinical criteria of common arthropathies are described, with particular concentration on osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis. The term osteochondrosis (or osteochondritis) dissecans
is not appropriate for zooarchaeological material and should be discontinued. The application of clinical criteria to dry bone specimens is demonstrated for series of zooarchaeological specimens that illustrate the common arthropathies
and some more unusual cases. The need for greater diagnostic consistency and ready access to comparative specimens is identifi ed and a provisional scheme for classifi cation and differential diagnosis of arthropathies in bovid bones proposed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-186
Number of pages21
JournalDocumenta Archaeobiologae
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Bibliographical note

in G. Grupe, G. McGlynn and J. Peters (eds)


  • palaeopathology
  • arthropathy
  • osteoarthrosis
  • osteochondrosis
  • bovids

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