Packetization and cell-loss concealment for MPEG-2 video transport over ATM networks

Christopher Crispin-Bailey, Donglai Xu, reza sotudeh

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Early re-synchronization technique is a useful method to develop the error free video data in the cells after a lost cell or a transmission error. In this paper, we propose a method in which the MPEG-2 video data is packetized into cells, and the first macroblock in each cell is always located at a special bit, such as an odd bit. Hence, the early re-synchronization method can be improved to halve the computational complexity, while increasing bit-stream data content by only 13 percent. This is because the decoder will not waste its time to decode the macroblock by starting at an even bit. Furthermore, the probability of mis-decoding the macroblock can also be reduced by 50 percent. We also propose another method to utilize the start code in a cell to help correctly decoding the macroblocks located before it. Basic theoretical analysis is presented in the paper to prove that the proposed method is more effective than the existing one. The result show that the effectiveness of the re-synchronization method can be greatly improved by adopting the proposed packetizing technique.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1999
EventSPIE symposium on Voice, Video and Data Communications 1998 - , United States
Duration: 2 Nov 19985 Nov 1998


ConferenceSPIE symposium on Voice, Video and Data Communications 1998
Country/TerritoryUnited States

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