Parallel evolution using multi-chromosome cartesian genetic programming

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Parallel and distributed methods for evolutionary algorithms have concentrated on maintaining multiple populations of genotypes, where each genotype in a population encodes a potential solution to the problem. In this paper, we investigate the parallelisation of the genotype itself into a collection of independent chromosomes which can be evaluated in parallel. We call this multi-chromosomal evolution (MCE). We test this approach using Cartesian Genetic Programming and apply MCE to a series of digital circuit design problems to compare the efficacy of MCE with a conventional single chromosome approach (SCE). MCE can be readily used for many digital circuits because they have multiple outputs. In MCE, an independent chromosome is assigned to each output. When we compare MCE with SCE we find that MCE allows us to evolve solutions much faster. In addition, in some cases we were able to evolve solutions with MCE that we unable to with SCE. In a case-study, we investigate how MCE can be applied to to a single objective problem in the domain of image classification, namely, the classification of breast X-rays for cancer. To apply MCE to this problem, we identify regions of interest (RoI) from the mammograms, divide the RoI into a collection of sub-images and use a chromosome to classify each sub-image. This problem allows us to evaluate various evolutionary mutation operators which can pairwise swap chromosomes either randomly or topographically or reuse chromosomes in place of other chromosomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-445
Number of pages29
JournalJournal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machine
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009


  • Multiple chromosomes
  • Cartesian genetic programming
  • Digital circuits
  • Mammography
  • Parallelisation

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