Pathways to Work from Incapacity Benefits: A study of experience and use of the Job Preparation Premium

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Pathways to Work pilots were introduced in 2003 to help new Incapacity Benefit recipients to move towards and into paid work. The Job Preparation Premium (JPP) was introduced for existing recipients in 2005. JPP is a weekly payment of 20 pounds for a maximum of 26 weeks for people who do some form of activity towards paid employment. This report is based on qualitative research conducted by the Social Policy Research Unit, the National Centre for Social Research and the Policy Studies Institute in 2007. It presents findings on JPP recipients, and Jobcentre Plus staff members, use and experiences of JPP.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLeeds
PublisherCorporate Document Services
Number of pages134
VolumeNo. 474
ISBN (Print)9781847123244
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Publication series

NameDepartment for Work and Pensions Research Report


  • employment/benefits
  • ill/disabled adults

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