Pentaerythritol Derived Tetrapode Exhibiting a Nematic-Like Mesophase at Ambient Temperatures

Jodie L. Hann, Richard J Mandle

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The nematic liquid-crystalline phase exhibits average orientational order, with no positional organisation. So-called modulated nematic phases exhibit this same orientational order with an additional spatially periodic modulation of the nematic director, the most common of which is the twist-bend nematic phase. We report a pentaerythritol derived tetrapode which exhibits a nematic-like mesophase at ambient temperature, and we denote this new mesophase 'NX' to indicate a nematic phase of unknown structure. X-ray scattering experiments refute the possibility of positional order, yet optical textures are consistent with a periodic structure. We suggest that the mesophase exhibited by this material is new type of nematic-like mesophase with some form of modulated structure. We find the NX phase to exhibit an electrooptic response consistent with a nematic-like phase.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Early online date3 Jul 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Jul 2019

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