Premieres of two new pieces for piano (and other elements) by Roger Marsh and Paul Whitty.

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


Premiere performances of 2 new works, developed collaboratively with composers Roger Marsh (University of York) and Paul Whitty (Oxford Brooks University), presented alongside linked conference paper ('Musical Subjectivity in Action: Piano Personae') at the research festival '(im)possible worlds - new (im)possibilities', Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Ghent, October 1-3, 2014.
The pieces are: 'Touch and Go,' by Roger Marsh; 'under and under and under and under and under or why didn't you tell me the first time?' (for piano, mp3 players, battery powered loudspeakers and turntable) by Paul Whitty. This work forms part of the overarching research project 'Performance, Subjectivity and Experimentation', in collaboration with the Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Ghent.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2014
Event Artistic Research Festival '(im)possible worlds - new (im)possibilities'. - Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Orpheus Institute, Ghent, Belgium
Duration: 1 Oct 20143 Oct 2014

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