Reducing long-term need and dependency on services: messages from research. Home care reablement - evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Invited

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventMaking Resources Go Further Through Prevention Leaders' Forum - Dartington Hall, Totnes, United Kingdom
Duration: 8 May 20139 May 2013


OtherMaking Resources Go Further Through Prevention Leaders' Forum
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityDartington Hall, Totnes
OtherLeaders have to make resources go further than ever before. This raises crucial questions about where to invest to reduce need, how to compare the effectiveness of different initiatives, and what is a good enough outcome.

At this residential forum, leaders will hear from key social care researchers on how councils are implementing prevention and service improvement, and how they can identify value for money.

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