Regenerative Medicine in the UK: Policy Briefing II - Reimbursement

Research output: Other contribution


• Securing reimbursement has been identified as a major challenge in the field of Regenerative Medicine (RM).
• Manufacturers of RM therapies with marketing authorisations have struggled to obtain national reimbursement in the EU.
• There remains considerable variability in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) uptake within the EU, despite initiatives to improve harmonisation.
• Commentators questioned the suitability of existing HTA methodologies which led NICE to undertake a review of the technology appraisal of an RM therapy. There is a need to extend this analysis to a wider range of RM technologies.
• Priority should be given to gathering information on Clinical Commissioning Groups’ positions on RM in service contracts and further support for co-ordination between MHRA, NICE’s the Office for Market Access and NHSE.
• Within the UK and across Europe there is a need to co-ordinate evidence derived from post-licensing schemes
Original languageEnglish
TypePolicy Briefing
Media of outputSATSU publication
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2016

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