Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework

Silke Boenigk, Raymond Fisk, Sertan Kabaday, Linda Alkire, Lilliemay Cheung, Canan Corus, Jorg Finsterwalder, Aaron Kreimer, Nadina Raluca Luca, Mansour Omeira, Pallab Paul, Marcos Santos, Nina Smidt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The global refugee crisis is a complex humanitarian problem. Service researchers can assist in solving this crisis because refugees are immersed in complex human service systems. Drawing on marketing, sociology, transformative service, and consumer research literature, this study develops a Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework to enable researchers, service actors, and public policy makers to navigate the challenges faced throughout a refugee’s service journey. The primary dimensions of this framework encompass the spectrum from hostile to hospitable refugee service systems and the resulting suffering or well-being in refugees’ experiences. The authors conceptualize this at three refugee service journey phases (entry, transition, and exit) and at three refugee service system levels (macro, meso, and micro) of analysis. The framework is supported by brief examples from a range of service-related refugee contexts as well as a Web Appendix with additional cases. Moreover, the authors derive a comprehensive research agenda from the framework, with detailed research questions for public policy and (service) marketing researchers. Managerial directions are provided to increase awareness of refugee service problems; stimulate productive interactions; and improve collaboration among public and nonprofit organizations, private service providers, and refugees. Finally, this work provides a vision for creating hospitable refugee service systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-19
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Public Policy and Marketing
Early online date6 Nov 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Nov 2020
EventTransformative Consumer Research Conference: Dialogical Conference: TCR 2019 - Florida State University, Tallahassee, United States
Duration: 19 May 201921 May 2019

Bibliographical note

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