Robustness of modelled ozone exposures and doses

J. -P. Tuovinen, D. Simpson, L. Emberson, M. Ashmore, G. Gerosa

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This study evaluates the robustness of the AOTX and AF(st)Y indices for assessing the ozone-induced risk to vegetation. These indices represent the accumulated concentration and stomatal flux, respectively, above a threshold value. The robustness is expressed as the sensitivity to changes in inputs and the uncertainty due to input errors. The input data are taken from a regional-scale chemical transport model. Both indices show increasing sensitivity with increasing threshold values. The sensitivity depends on the threshold and the characteristics of the frequency distribution for concentrations and stomatal fluxes. AF(st)Y appears less sensitive than AOTX for the thresholds adopted for critical levels. The couplings between concentration gradients and deposition algorithms complicate the assessment of the total uncertainty. For AF(st)Y, the uncertainty due to the modelled stomatal conductance may sometimes increase, but sometimes decrease, the overall uncertainty significantly. In particular, the maximum stomatal conductance plays an important role in determining the uncertainty. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)578-586
Number of pages9
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2007


  • ozone
  • stomatal flux
  • sensitivity analysis
  • uncertainty analysis
  • critical levels
  • AOT40

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