Role of Multichance Fission in the Description of Fission-Fragment Mass Distributions at High Energies

K. Hirose, K. Nishio, S TANAKA, R. Léguillon, H. Makii, I. Nishinaka, R. Orlandi, K. Tsukada, J. Smallcombe, M. J. Vermeulen, Shuntaro Chiba, Y. Aritomo, T. Ohtsuki, Katsura Nakano, S S Araki, Y. Watanabe, R. Tatsuzawa, N. Takaki, N. Tamura, S. GotoI. S. Tsekhanovich, A. N. Andreyev

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Fission-fragment mass distributions were measured for U237-240, Np239-242, and Pu241-244 populated in the excitation-energy range from 10 to 60 MeV by multinucleon transfer channels in the reaction O18+U238 at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency tandem facility. Among them, the data for U240 and Np240,241,242 were observed for the first time. It was found that the mass distributions for all the studied nuclides maintain a double-humped shape up to the highest measured energy in contrast to expectations of predominantly symmetric fission due to the washing out of nuclear shell effects. From a comparison with the dynamical calculation based on the fluctuation-dissipation model, this behavior of the mass distributions was unambiguously attributed to the effect of multichance fission.

Original languageEnglish
Article number222501
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2017

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