Rotating electrohydrodynamic flow in a suspended liquid film

E.V. Shiryaeva, M.Yu. Zhukov, Vladimir A. Vladimirov

Research output: Working paper


The mathematical model of a rotating electrohydrodynamic flow in a thin suspended liquid film is proposed and studied. The motion is driven by the given di.erence of potentials in one direction and constant external electrical field E in another direction in the plane of a film. To derive the model we employ the spatial averaging over the normal coordinate to a film that leads to the average Reynolds stress that is proportional to |E|^3. This stress generates tangential velocity in the vicinity of the edges of a film that, in turn, causes the rotational motion of a liquid. The proposed model is aimed to explain the experimental observations of the liquid film motor.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2009


  • Fluid Dynamics

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