School-aged teenagers who use drugs. "What do we need from our parents?"

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


There are various reasons why young people start to abuse drugs. This poster presentation outlines how parenting styles and behaviours influence young people's decisions to engage in drug-using and abusing behaviours, as seen from the perspective of the young people concerned. The presentation draws on current literature that relates drug-abusing behaviours to underlying family dynamics and lays out what feedback they would give to their parents if they were to assist them to engage in more purposeful choices and thereby empower them to have more healthy 'possible futures.'
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2016

Bibliographical note

Dr. Damian Spiteri is the author of several publications on different aspects of mental health and on education. Dr. Spiteri had worked as a social work practitioner and lecturer since graduating from university, and had also worked as a teacher and guidance teacher at a school for teenagers presenting social, emotional, or behavioural challenges. Dr. Spiteri's doctoral thesis is on the school to work transitions of at risk youth in Malta.


  • parenting
  • substance abuse
  • boundaries
  • empowerment

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