Severe Arctic ozone loss in the winter 2004/2005: observations from ACE-FTS

J. J. Jin, K. Semeniuk, G. L. Manney, A. I. Jonsson, S. R. Beagley, J. C. McConnell, G. Dufour, R. Nassar, C. D. Boone, K. A. Walker, P. F. Bernath, C. P. Rinsland

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The severe Arctic ozone reduction in the winter 2004/ 2005 is analyzed using ACE-FTS observations and four different analysis techniques: correlations between ozone and long-lived tracers ( adjusted to account for mixing), an artificial tracer correlation method, a profile-descent technique, and the empirical relationship between ozone loss and potential PSC volume. The average maximum ozone loss was about 2.1 ppmv at 475 K - 500 K ( similar to 18 km 20 km). Over 60% of the ozone between 425 K - 475 K ( similar to 16 km - 18 km) was destroyed. The average total column ozone loss was 119 DU, similar to 20 - 30 DU larger than the largest previously observed Arctic ozone loss in the winter 1999/ 2000.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages5
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2006


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