Shape coexistence in light krypton isotopes

E. Clément*, A. Görgen, E. Bouchez, A. Chatillon, W. Korten, Y. Le Coz, Ch Theisen, C. Andreoiu, F. Becker, B. Blank, C. Borcea, A. Buta, P. Butler, J. M. Casandjian, W. N. Catford, T. Czosnyka, A. Emsallem, G. De France, J. Genevey, J. GerlF. Hannachi, K. Hauschild, R. D. Herzberg, A. Hürstel, J. Iwanicki, D. Jenkins, G. Jones, M. Lewitowicz, R. Lucas, I. Matea, F. Negoita, F. De Oliviera Santos, D. Pantelica, J. Pinston, P. Rahkila, M. Rejmund, G. Sletten, M. Stanoiu, C. Timis, R. Wadsworth, J. N. Wilson, M. Zielińska

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Shape coexistence in the light krypton isotopes was studied in a series of experiments at GANIL using various experimental techniques. A new low-lying 0+ state, a so-called shape isomer, was found in delayed conversion-electron spectroscopy after fragmentation reactions. The systematics of such low-lying 0+ states suggests that the ground states of the isotopes 78Kr and 76Kr have prolate deformation, while states with prolate and oblate shape are practically degenerate and strongly mixed in 74Kr, and that the oblate configuration becomes the ground state in 72Kr. This scenario was tested in experiments performing low-energy Coulomb excitation of radioactive 76Kr and 74Kr beams from the SPIRAL facility. Both transitional and diagonal electromagnetic matrix elements were extracted from the observed γ-ray yields. The results find the prolate shape for the ground-state bands in 76Kr and 74Kr and an oblate deformation for the excited 22 + state in 74Kr, confirming the proposed scenario of shape coexistence.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNUCLEI AT THE LIMITS
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)0735402493, 9780735402492
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2005
EventNuclei at the Limits - Argonne, IL, United States
Duration: 26 Jul 200430 Jul 2004


ConferenceNuclei at the Limits
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityArgonne, IL

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