Social feedback influences musically induced emotions

Hauke Egermann, Oliver Grewe, Reinhard Kopiez, Eckart Altenmüller

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Numerous studies have shown that music is a powerful means to induce emotions. The present study investigates whether these emotional effects can be manipulated by so cial feedback. In an Internet-based study, 3315 participants were randomly assigned to two groups and they listened to different music excerpts. After each excerpt, partici- pants rated emotions according to arousal and valence dimensions. Additionally, those in group 2 received feedback allegedly based on the emotional ratings of preceding participants. Results show that feedback significantly influenced participants' ratings of group 2 in the manipulated direction compared to the group without feedback.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)346-350
Number of pages5
JournalAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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