Speaking Out about Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Higher Education

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter explores student voice in relation to speaking out about gender-based violence and harassment in higher education. It focuses on staff/faculty misconduct, drawing on studies from the UK context. The chapter examines three aspects of student voice. First, drawing on Arnot and Reay’s (2007) theorisation of ‘pedagogic voice’, it explores how power relations of gender and pedagogy shape the possibility for students to speak out about staff/faculty sexual misconduct. Second, it describes a pattern of ‘institutional listening while silencing’ (Oman and Bull 2021) that occurs when students attempt to speak out, outlining how institutional structures enable or inhibit listening to students on this issue. Finally, it considers students’ roles in decision-making around prevention and response to gender-based violence and harassment, exploring this in relation to formal reports of sexual misconduct as well as their role in wider work at the levels of institutions and educational systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Bloomsbury International Handbook of Student Voice in Higher Education
EditorsJerusha Conner, Rille Raaper, Launa Gauthier, Carolina Guzmán Valenzuela
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 12 Oct 2022

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