Survey response and survey characteristics: microlevel evidence from the European Community Household Panel

Cheti Nicoletti, Franco Peracchi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The paper presents microlevel evidence on the role of the sociodemographic characteristics of a population and the characteristics of the data collection process as predictors of survey response. Our evidence is based on the public use files of the European Community Household Panel, a longitudinal household survey covering the countries of the European Union, whose attractive feature is the high level of comparability across countries and over time. We model the response process as the outcome of two sequential events: contact between the interviewer and an eligible interviewee, and co-operation by the interviewee. Our model allows for dependence between the ease of contact and the propensity to co-operate, taking into account the censoring problem caused by the fact that we observe whether a person is a respondent only if she has been contacted.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of the royal statistical society series A. General
Issue number4
Early online date15 Jun 2005
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2005


  • Bivariate probit model
  • Panel data
  • Survey response

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