Taiwanese and Beijing Mandarin listeners’ perception of English focus prosody

Jamie Adams, Sam Hellmuth

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Post-focal compression (PFC) of F0 is a known cue to focus in English and Beijing Mandarin (BM), but PFC is neither present in Taiwan Mandarin (TM) production nor interpreted as a cue to focus in perception [1]. Studies of variation in L2 English production by BM and TM learners of English confirm transfer of some L1 patterns into their L2 English [2]. This paper explores for the first time how BM and TM listeners’ interpret PFC in English. It also seeks to clarify L2 listeners’ interpretation of PFC in contexts where discourse-new post-focal material carries a post-focal prominence in English [3]. Following [4] we presented L1 BM, TM and English listeners with a series of written discourse contexts and two prosodically congruous or incongruous audio responses in a between-participants design. One set of listeners in each language group judged SVO English stimuli produced in either all-new context (NN) or with initial narrow focus followed by discourse-given post-focal material (FG). Another set of listeners in each group judged the same all-new (NN) stimuli against recordings with initial narrow focus followed by discourse-new post-focal material (FN). Results indicate differential interpretation of on-focus and post-focal prosody matching a L1 perceptual transfer hypothesis.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2022
EventSpeech Prosody 2022: The 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody - School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon , Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 23 May 202226 May 2022


ConferenceSpeech Prosody 2022
Abbreviated titleSP2022
Internet address


  • focus
  • post-focal compression
  • L2 perception
  • Mandarin
  • English

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