The Cyrenaican Prehistory Project 2010: the fourth season of investigations of the Haua Fteah cave and its landscape, and further results from the 2007-2009 fieldwork

Graeme Barker, A. Antoniadou, S. Armitage, Ian Brooks, I. Candy, K. Connell, N. Drake, Lucy Farr, E. Hill, Chris Hunt, Robyn Helen Inglis, S. Jones, C. Lane, G. Luccharini, J. Meneely, Jacob Morales, G. Mutri, A. Prendergast, R. Rabett, H. ReadeT. Reynolds, N. Russell, D. Simpson, B. Smith, Christopher Stimpson, Mohammed Twati, K White

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-88
Number of pages26
JournalLibyan Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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