The Excavation of Two Late Bronze Age Roundhouses at Ballyprior Beg, Island Magee, County Antrim

Ian Suddaby, Ian Armit, Mike Church, Mike Cressey, Sarah Gormley, Eiméar L. Nelis, Catherine M. Dunne, Eileen M. Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The rescue excavation of a roundhouse and part of a second was undertaken between July and September 2000 within the wayleave of the Moyle Interconnector electrical cable route on Island Magee, Co Antrim. This previously unknown site is thought to contain several Middle to Late Bronze Age houses, of a type apparently not previously recorded in Ireland. Some structural similarities with Scottish sites are apparent, and artefactual parallels can be seen in both countries. Radiocarbon dates show the roundhouses to be broadly contemporary and their occupation was probably continuous. The site adds to the known diversity of Irish settlement forms around the transition between the Middle and the Late Bronze Age.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)45-91
Number of pages47
JournalUlster Journal of Archaeology
Publication statusPublished - 2003

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