The Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum (GAPF) emission inventory preparation tool and its application to Côte d’Ivoire

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Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) often lack the necessary tools, guidance, and capacity for compiling
an emission inventory (EI) for air pollutants. A reliable EI is an important prerequisite for the identification of
key emissions sources, as an input to modelling atmospheric transport and impacts of air pollutants, and the
identification of appropriate mitigation policies. The publicly-available Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum
Emission Inventory (GAPF-EI) tool meets the need of LMICs for a user-friendly tool allowing in-country practitioners
to compile their own EIs. The species covered are SO2, NOX, CO, NMVOC, CH4, NH3, PM10, PM 2.5, black
carbon, organic carbon and CO2. Output from the tool can therefore support the development of integrated air
quality and climate change mitigation strategies. This tool incorporates default emission factors and inventory
methods conforming with internationally recognised approaches. The GAPF-EI tool enables emissions to be
estimated for technologies or practices that are often of little or no relevance to developed countries, but may
represent key sources in LMICs. This paper describes the GAPF-EI tool and its application to Côte d’Ivoire where
emissions from traditional biomass cookstoves, vegetation fires, traditional charcoal manufacture, road transport
(including dust from unpaved roads) and open burning of municipal solid waste were found to be particularly
important components of the inventory. The application of the GAPF-EI approach to Côte d’Ivoire has demonstrated
its utility in addressing sources of particular relevance to LMICs in addition to providing a user-friendly,
transparent and flexible EI preparation tool.
Original languageEnglish
Article number
Pages (from-to)1500
Number of pages1512
JournalAtmospheric Pollution Research
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2020

Bibliographical note

© 2020 Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

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