The loess deposits of Buca Dei Corvi section (Central Italy): Revisited

Gabriella Boretto, Giovanni Zanchetta, Lorenzo Ciulli, Monica Bini, Anthony Fallick, Marco Lezzerini, Andre Carlo Colonese, Irene Zembo, Luca Trombini, Eleonora Rigattieri, Giavanni Sarti

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Loess deposits have been described in the past for the upper section of Buca Dei Corvi succession (Central Italy).
In this paper the depositswere re-analysed to clarify the depositional environment and to attempt a paleoclimate
reconstruction. Two radiocarbon dates on pedogenic carbonate constrain the ages to the Late Glacial, and are consistent with previous OSL dating of the top of the succession. The non-marine mollusc assemblage shows typical character of cold and dry climatic conditions, testified by strong oligotypical composition. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the sediments indicate the abundant presence of exotic quartz mineral which can be explained only by wind transport. Probably,wind transportwas also responsible of deposition of carbonatewhich then dissolved and re-precipitated producing pedogenic concretions. Stable isotopes (13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios) of the concretions are consistent with a climate drier than present conditions, with an environment characterized by sparse vegetation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-237
Early online date6 Jan 2017
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2017

Bibliographical note

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