The post-medieval farmstead and field system of over newtown at crookedstane, elvanfoot, upper clydesdale

A Dunwell, I Armit, I Ralston, BF Yson

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Survey and excavation were carried out by the Centre for Field Archaeology at the site of the postmedieval farmstead of Over Newtown, near Crookedstane, Elvanfoot, as part of the North-West Ethylene Pipeline Project, funded by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. The site comprises a settlement with adjacent enclosures, field banks and cultivation rigs. The majority of the identified remains are preserved in unimproved land, with those that once existed in improved land now apparently obliterated. Excavation demonstrated multi-phase construction within one of the enclosures, and artefacts of probably Mesolithic date were recovered. Documentary evidence has added some telling, if fragmentary, evidence regarding the nature and date of occupation of the site. Problems of reconciling documentary and field evidence within a single chronological framework are highlighted. © 1995 The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-75
Number of pages15
JournalPost-Medieval Archaeology
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1995

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