The Production of Infrastructure Value and the extension of the electricity grid: demand-side response and aggregators as temporal prospectors

Mette Kragh Furbo, Gordon Walker, Mitchell Curtis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Infrastructures have recently been conceptualised as in process and dynamic rather than fixed and obdurate. We introduce the notion of infrastructural value to draw attention to the specific value that can be produced in something in relation to its participation in an infrastructure, its operation and management. We analyse demand-side response (DSR) as a case of infrastructural extension where value is produced in already-existing electricity consuming devices, generating a return for their response to the ends of grid management. We track the work of aggregators who enrol clients and their devices into providing combined synchronised responses contracted with the grid operator. This involves aggregators in activities of temporal prospecting, legitimation, optimisation and coordination. We argue that the notion of infrastructural value helps to articulate the relations between the fluidity and flexing of infrastructural boundaries and value making practices and consider other ways that this category of value might be explored
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
JournalScience & Technology Studies
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

© 2022 Mette Kragh-Furbo, Gordon Walker, Mitchell Curtis

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