The reconnection of rough sleepers within the UK: an evaluation

Sarah Johnsen, Anwen Jones

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The increased strategic emphasis on reconnection has largely occurred in the
absence of robust evidence regarding the impacts on rough sleepers, however. This study aimed to begin to redress this gap in evidence, by documenting the rationale underpinning the utilisation of reconnection, examining the ways it is articulated ‘on the ground’, and assessing its impact on rough sleepers. Both ‘indigenous’ and migrant rough sleepers are affected by reconnection,
but this study restricted focus to the former, that is, British nationals reconnected within the UK.
‘Reconnection’, defined in policy terms as “the process by which people sleeping
rough, who have a connection to another area where they can access accommodation and/or social, family and support networks, are supported to return to this area in a planned way”
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Commissioning bodyCrisis UK
Number of pages67
ISBN (Print)978-1-78519-006-3
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2015


  • rough sleeping

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