The Use of Automated Search in Deriving Software Testing Strategies

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Testing a software artefact using every one of its possible inputs would normally cost too much, and take too long, compared to the benefits of detecting faults in the software. Instead, a testing strategy is used to select a small subset of the inputs with which to test the software. The criterion used to select this subset affects the likelihood that faults in the software will be detected. For some testing strategies, the criterion may result in subsets that are very efficient at detecting faults, but implementing the strategy -- deriving a 'concrete strategy' specific to the software artefact -- is so difficult that it is not cost-effective to use that strategy in practice. In this thesis, we propose the use of metaheuristic search to derive concrete testing strategies in a cost-effective manner. We demonstrate a search-based algorithm that derives concrete strategies for 'statistical testing', a testing strategy that has a good fault-detecting ability in theory, but which is costly to implement in practice. The cost-effectiveness of the search-based approach is enhanced by the rigorous empirical determination of an efficient algorithm configuration and associated parameter settings, and by the exploitation of low-cost commodity GPU cards to reduce the time taken by the algorithm. The use of a flexible grammar-based representation for the test inputs ensures the applicability of the algorithm to a wide range of software.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Clark, John Andrew, Supervisor
Award date25 Jan 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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