Tomographic nanofabrication of ultrasharp three-dimensional nanostructures

Z Saghi, Thirunavukkarasu G, Y Peng, B J Inkson, M R Gibbs and G Moebus

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We present the extension of electron tomography from a pure characterization technique into a three-dimensional nanofabrication technique using focused electron beams in the scanning transmission electron microscope. Two-dimensional surface patterning techniques are insufficient to achieve full three-dimensional nanosculpting, instead, multiple sample rotations under the beam are required. We demonstrate fabrication of ultrafine tips and hollow structures with applications in scanning probe microscopy, atom probe tomography, or in magnetoconductance of nanobridges. A sharpened tip radius of <3 nm is achieved, an order of magnitude finer than with standard methods.
Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number153102
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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