Transitional Security Arrangements: A Comparative Perspective

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


What can Cyprus learn from comparable cases? How have other settlements addressed security challenges, broadly conceived, including the need for external guarantees, reform of central security forces, and protection of human security? This paper draws on a range of settlements, but pays particular attention to other conflicts that include a de facto state or have been characterised by significant kin-state/patron-state involvement. Like the Cyprus conflict, these are at the extreme end of the spectrum of territorial solutions, which calls for creative solutions that fudge the issue of sovereignty. The paper finds a lack of examples of robust security guarantees being provided by a patron state, but patron-states have been involved in a number of other ways and have played a constructive role in some settlements. The paper also considers other forms of guarantees that can supplement, or in some cases replace, external security guarantees. This includes the use of phases, built-in targets and conditions. The paper concludes by considering security within the state’s constituent units, in particular protections for local minorities. In case of heterogeneous units, local power-sharing is frequently recommended. But this may not be feasible since it also undermines the territorial autonomy provided for in the settlement. As an alternative, a robust system of human rights protections should be prioritised.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017
EventSecurity Framework for a United Cyprus” : Research and Dialogue Initiative - Chateau Status (in Ledra Palace Buffer Zone), Nicosia, Cyprus
Duration: 15 Dec 2016 → …


ConferenceSecurity Framework for a United Cyprus”
Period15/12/16 → …
Internet address

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