Triplet energy differences and the low lying structure of Ga 62

T. W. Henry, M. A. Bentley, R. M. Clark, P. J. Davies, V. M. Bader, T. Baugher, D. Bazin, C. W. Beausang, J. S. Berryman, A. M. Bruce, C. M. Campbell, H. L. Crawford, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, A. Gade, J. Henderson, H. Iwasaki, D. G. Jenkins, I. Y. Lee, A. LemassonS. M. Lenzi, A. O. Macchiavelli, D. R. Napoli, A. J. Nichols, Stefanos Paschalis, Marina Petri, F. Recchia, J. Rissanen, E. C. Simpson, S. R. Stroberg, R. Wadsworth, D. Weisshaar, A. Wiens, C. Walz

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Background: Triplet energy differences (TED) can be studied to yield information on isospin-non-conserving interactions in nuclei. Purpose: The systematic behavior of triplet energy differences (TED) of T=1, Jπ=2+ states is examined. The A=62 isobar is identified as having a TED value that deviates significantly from an otherwise very consistent trend. This deviation can be attributed to the tentative assignments of the pertinent states in Ga62 and Ge62. Methods: An in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy experiment was performed to identify excited states in Ga62 using Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-Beam Nuclear Array with the S800 spectrometer at NSCL using a two-nucleon knockout approach. Cross-section calculations for the knockout process and shell-model calculations have been performed to interpret the population and decay properties observed. Results: Using the systematics as a guide, a candidate for the transition from the T=1, 2+ state is identified. However, previous work has identified similar states with different Jπ assignments. Cross-section calculations indicate that the relevant T=1, 2+ state should be one of the states directly populated in this reaction. Conclusions: As spins and parities were not measurable, it is concluded that an unambiguous identification of the first T=1, 2+ state is required to reconcile our understanding of TED systematics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024315
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2015

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