Trois Esquisses: Written for and dedicated to Joseph Houston

Thomas Simaku (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


22 february 2013, St James's Piccadilly, London (World Premiere)
9 May 2013, Spring Festival of New Music, York
The idea for this piece stems from a single chord, whose energetic unfolding could well be compared to the ‘sketching’ of a drawing in one stroke of the pen! Presented right at the beginning of the piece, this chord is spaced in such a way that a particular tone (C-sharp) is aurally highlighted. But positioning the chord at various ‘latitudes’, increasing and decreasing the spacing, as well as the number of its constituent notes, yields a variety of chordal structures with different ‘tonal’ and colouristic results. The focal pitch, however, is ubiquitously present in its original central register, a ‘position’ which it would not yield! As a result, not only does this tone serve as the epicentre of the first esquisse, but the whole work could ultimately be reduced to this one particular tone, whose sonic properties seem to possess the gravitational power of holding together the entire architectural design.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2013


  • Esquisse

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