Untracking: The 97 Percent Solution. A Response to James J. Gallagher.

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


This response to HE 531 678 argues that, although there is evidence that accelerated programs designed for gifted children can be effective, most emphasize enrichment, not true acceleration. Enrichment is seen as appropriate for all students, not just the highest-achieving 3%. (MSE).
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)27
Number of pages1
JournalCollege Board Review
Issue number168
Publication statusPublished - 1993

Bibliographical note

Database: ERIC

Record type: New.

Language: English

DataStar source field: College Board Review, Sum 1993, no. 168, p. 27,35, ISSN: 0010-0951.

DataStar update date: 19940101

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