Value Theory and Practice: Using autoethnography to link value theory and degrowth activism

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


In this paper I use an autoethnographic approach to ground abstract theoretical discussions on value theory in my everyday practices navigating capitalism and attempting to pre-figure a degrowth economy. I provide ‘thick’ descriptions of my participation in different production processes: a voluntary organisation, and formal employment a. I describe the motivations behind and the experiences of taking part in each of these productive forms, detailing the similarities (the tedium of administrative work, camaraderie, pressure, moments of joy, moments of fear) and differences (in motivations, the social relations of the product, the level of autonomy, the scale of production). I then use value theories to evaluate how each of these activities contributes (or not) to the subversion of capitalism and the development of degrowth.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event9th International Degrowth Conference - Zagreb, Croatia
Duration: 29 Aug 20232 Sept 2023


Conference9th International Degrowth Conference
Internet address

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