Voices, Bodies, Practices/ Player Piano

Research output: Other contribution


This output combines creative and critical work: performance and recorded outputs sit alongside the textual submission. Research through performance led to the 75-minute performance piece 'Player Piano', with scenography by Laws, compositions developed in collaboration with Edward Jessen, Annea Lockwood, Roger Marsh, and Paul Whitty, theatre production in collaboration with Teresa Brayshaw, films by Wendy Kirkup. The piece was performed by Laws with Hannah Butterfield. Subsequently, film versions of the individual compositions that make up 'Player Piano' were developed with film-maker Minyung Im. The whole project constituted the practice research aspect of Laws's work as PI of the research cluster 'Performance, Subjectivity, and Experimentation', based at the Orpheus Institute, Ghent, in partnership with the University of York. The book 'Voices, Bodies, Practices' is one of the outputs of that cluster: it is divided into 4 parts, each focused on one of the from projects of the cluster. Laws is a co-authored of the book, but wrote the introduction, conclusion, and the section focused on her own work, as well as co-editing the rest of the book. The book includes links to an open access repository that holds all the creative outputs of the research cluster.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherLeuven University Press
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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