Young people leaving care: a study of outcomes and costs

J Dixon, J Wade, S Byford, H Weatherly, Jenny Lee

Research output: Other contribution


This study, undertaken by the University of York, explored patterns of outcome and service costs for a sample of 106 young people leaving the care of seven local authorities. Sample recruitment commenced in October 2001 to coincide with implementation of the Children (Leaving care) Act 2000 (CLCA).
The study sought answers to a number of inter-related questions:
1. What factors in young people's past experience of care or in their lives after leaving tend to be protective or create risks for a successful transition?
2. In what ways does the support provided by leaving care services, other professionals, families or friends help young people to achieve more positive outcomes?
3. What do services cost and what factors are related to high or low costs of care?
4. In what ways is leaving care work changing in response to new legislative challenges and with what effects?
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSocial Work Research and Development Unit
Number of pages4
Place of PublicationUniversity of York, York
Publication statusPublished - 2004

Publication series

NameResearch Summary


  • looked after children

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